About Plant Temperature Management

The vast majority of plants do very well in the average indoor temperature range, which is between 15°C – 26°C. Such a temperature range is very suitable for growing various plants. Of course, this is just an average value, and different plants still have different temperature requirements, which requires us to make targeted adjustments.

winter temperature management

In the cold winter, the temperature in most parts of our country is lower than 15°C, and there are dozens of degrees below zero in the northern region. We can use 15°C as a dividing line. The winter temperature limit mentioned here is only the minimum tolerance temperature of this type of plant, which means that freezing damage will occur below this temperature. If you want your plants to grow normally in winter, the temperature of tropical foliage planting needs to be raised to above 20°C, and other plants should be kept at least above 15°C.

Plants that cannot fall below 15°C

Most tropical foliage plants cannot be lower than 15°C. When the indoor temperature is lower than 15°C, the room needs to be heated. There is no such trouble in northern my country, because there is heating. For students in the south without heating, heating the whole house at home is a very uneconomical choice. In response to this situation, we can build a small greenhouse indoors, and place heating facilities inside for local heating. Put the plants that need heating together to survive the cold winter. This is an economical and convenient solution.

Plants below 5°C

Plants that can tolerate temperatures below 5°C are either dormant plants in winter or mostly outdoor plants. There are still very few plants for indoor viewing, but not without them, such as some succulents, cactus plants, and this year's plants. Popular herbaceous perennials sail root, oil painting wedding Chlorophytum and more.

Live Plants Calathea Jungle Rose

Summer temperature management

In addition to winter, summer temperature also needs attention. As horticulture develops, more and more ornamental plants from other continents enter our market. The foliage hot plant mentioned earlier, as well as the flowering plants in the Mediterranean area. Plants in some plateau areas can also be seen frequently.

Why are tropical foliage plants also afraid of heat? This starts with the living environment of tropical foliage plants. Basically all foliage plants are plants that live at the bottom of the tropical rainforest, such as Queen Anthurium and Glory Philodendron. kind. The bottom layer of the rainforest is characterized by no direct sunlight and humidity all year round. So most of the time the temperature is actually not as high as we think. If the temperature is too high and exceeds 30°C, it will also go dormant and stop growing. 

In the process of our plant cultivation, the temperature is generally a relatively easy problem to solve. It is not difficult to give the plants a suitable temperature.

Post time: Sep-07-2023