How to judge whether orchids have rotten roots and how to save them?

Root rot is a relatively common problem in the process of orchid maintenance. We often find that orchids will rot in the process of growing orchids, and it is easy to rot, and it is not easy to find. If the root of the orchid is rotten, how can it be rescued?

Judgment: Orchid leaves are a barometer of the health of orchids, and there will be problems on the leaves. If healthy orchids stop growing new shoots, new shoots, and show signs of rot and shrinkage, it may be judged as rotten roots. The most obvious sign of rotting orchids is dry leaves. The leaves of large seedlings will turn yellow, dry, and turn brown from the tip to the base of the leaf. Eventually, the orchids will wither one by one, and the whole plant will die.

Causes of root rot: The main cause of orchid root rot is waterlogging of plant material. Many prefer to grow in fine-grained soil. After each watering, the water cannot be drained from the pot in time and remains in the pot, causing the rotten roots to rot. High-concentration fertilizers will burn the root system of the orchid and cause the orchid to rot.

Chinese Cymbidium -Golden Needle(1)

Soft rot and stem rot can also cause the root system of orchids to rot. The leaves turn yellow and yellow from the base to the top, causing the pseudobulbs to become necrotic, dry and rotten, and the root system will also rot.

Rescue method: Use loose and breathable orchid soil when planting to facilitate drainage in the container. The root system of orchids can breathe well and grow healthily in this environment. Keep the orchid in a cool, ventilated place, avoiding high altitudes. An environment with high temperature and humidity can greatly reduce the risk of disease in orchids. Planted orchids do not need fertilization for a year. After one year of fertilization, the fertilizer should be diluted to no manure to avoid damage. If these requirements are met, the orchid will rarely rot, and growing orchids is a joy.

Post time: Aug-23-2023