How to plant orchids is easy to live?

Orchids are not delicate, nor are they difficult to grow. Many times we can’t grow orchids alive, which has a lot to do with our methods. From the beginning, the planting environment is wrong, and orchids will naturally be difficult to grow later. As long as we master The best way to grow orchids, orchids are very easy to grow, pay attention to the following aspects.

1. Learn more about the basic knowledge of orchid cultivation

Especially for beginners in raising orchids, don’t think about raising orchids well at the beginning. You should first pursue raising orchids and learn more about the basics of orchid farming. The most important thing for raising orchids is not to accumulate water in the pot. The potted plants cultivated in daily life are different from the roots of green plants and flowers. The roots of orchids are fleshy aerial roots, which are very thick and symbiotic with bacteria. They need to breathe. Once water accumulates, the water will block the air, and the roots of orchids cannot Breathe it in, and it rots.

2. Planting in pots with bottom holes

After understanding the key factors that cause orchids to die easily, it is relatively simple for us to deal with them. To consider the problem of no water accumulation and ventilation in the pot, we are required to use pots with bottom holes for planting, so that after each watering, It can facilitate the flow of water from the bottom of the pot, but this does not completely solve the problem of no water accumulation in the pot. Even if there is a bottom hole, if the soil for planting orchids is too fine, the water itself will absorb water, block the air, and rotten roots will still occur , causing the orchid to die.

Chinese Cymbidium -Jinqi

3. Planting with granular plant material

At this time, it is necessary for us to plant orchids in soil that does not accumulate water. Too fine and highly viscous soil is not easy to grow orchids. It is not suitable for novices. We should use professional orchid plant materials to plant orchids. It is ideal to use granular plant materials for planting, because there are large gaps between the granular plant materials, no water accumulation, and ventilation in the pot, which can easily regenerate orchids.

Post time: Aug-17-2023